JFX Technologies jual SonicWall Cloud GMS dengan harga terbaik di Jakarta, Indonesia. Dapatkan harga SonicWall Cloud GMS dengan menghubungi sales@jfxtechnologies.com. Kami juga jual produk Security lainnya baik dari SonicWall ataupun merk lain, klik disini untuk pilihan produk Security lainnya. Berikut penjelasan singkat mengenai SonicWall Cloud GMS, atau untuk informasi datasheet bisa download disini
A holistic approach to security governance, compliance and risk management
Built for organizations of various sizes and use cases including distributed enterprises and service providers, Cloud GMS establishes a fully coordinated security operation across wired, wireless and cloud-enabled infrastructure. Providing a holistic, fluid approach to comprehensive security management, reporting and analytics, security teams can make informed security policies and controls decisions towards a stronger security posture.
Cloud GMS provides an easy path towards a unified security governance, compliance and risk management security program.
Not having an enterprise-wide view of the entire security ecosystem leaves your organization at risk to preventable cyberattacks or compliance violations. Building a connected approach to security orchestration, control and analytic reporting is fundamental to a good preventative security practice. More importantly, it also forms the foundation of your unified security governance, compliance and risk management strategy.
Selain jual SonicWall Cloud GMS , JFX Technologies juga menerima jasa instalasi dan maintenance Security dengan harga bersaing. Kami tidak sekedar jual SonicWall Cloud GMS , tetapi juga memberikan jaminan atas barang yang anda beli.