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JFX Technologies jual Sangfor NGAF M5400 dengan harga terbaik di Jakarta, Indonesia. Dapatkan harga Sangfor NGAF M5400 dengan menghubungi Kami juga jual produk NGFW lainnya baik dari Sangfor ataupun merk lain, klik disini untuk pilihan produk NGFW lainnya. Berikut penjelasan singkat mengenai Sangfor NGAF M5400, atau untuk informasi datasheet bisa download disini

Security Visibility

Security is becoming more and more complex with illegal traffic mixed with legitimate traffic. Even in trusted domains, legitimate users cannot be trusted as they might be a potential attacker. Therefore we believe that the visibility of the whole network is the foundation of network management. We need to see the risk of information assets, people and behaviors, so that we can recognize security threats and timely dispose of them.

With Sangfor NGAF M5400 Reporting Tools included in the product itself (Free-of-Charge), users are able to have an extensive overview of their network with just a few clicks. You can choose whether you want to see information such as who the online users are, servers, abnormal traffics, attack status, attack source, etc.

Simplified Security Operation & Maintenance

For many small & medium organizations without any specialized IT security team, managing network security can be a nightmare, especially if those organizations are using traditional security solutions without any intelligent & automated reporting tools.

For Sangfor, IT should not only be reliable but also simple. Easy deployment and O&M (Operation & Maintenance) are the keys to effective & productive IT environment.

They have to check every report one by one and identify real & effective threats amongst thousands of alerts. Amongst these alerts, many of them will be bypassed and for those identified, IT team will waste time to find the right solution due to lack of knowledge. This will lead to a waste of resources, and more importantly, make mistakes that could generate losses and damage to the organization’s reputation.

Selain jual Sangfor NGAF M5400, JFX Technologies juga menerima jasa instalasi dan maintenance NGFW dengan harga bersaing. Kami tidak sekedar jual Sangfor NGAF M5400, tetapi juga memberikan jaminan atas barang yang anda beli.