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JFX Technologies Jual MCOMS Casting dengan harga terbaik di Jakarta, Indonesia. Dapatkan harga MCOMS Casting dengan menghubungi Kami juga jual produk IPTV lainnya baik dari MCOMS ataupun merk lain, klik disini untuk pilihan produk IPTV lainnya. Berikut penjelasan singkat mengenai MCOMS Casting atau untuk informasi datasheet bisa download disini

MCOMS Casting


MCOMS Casting solution allows you to deploy Chromecast and Apple TV devices in the guest room giving the guest the same content streaming experience they enjoy at home. For the Hotel the solution provides managed access to the cast devices with minimal requirements on your existing network infrastructure, simple two step procedure by the guest, monitoring by your staff all while protecting guest privacy.

Redefining the Interactive Guest TV experience

Hotstream TV is the leading in room entertainment solution in the hospitality industry. By utilizing its expertise in video technology, TV usability and user interface design, MCOMS Casting turn in room TV viewing into the ultimate guest experience.

MCOMS Casting solution allows you to deploy chromecast and apple tv devices in the guest room giving the guests the same secure content streaming experience they enjoy at home.

For the hotel, the solution provides managed access to the cast devices, minimal requirements on your existing network infrastructures, monitoring by your staff and protection of guests’ privacy.

Solution is available together with Hotstream interactive TV or as standalone to work with any 3rd party interactive TV system or even standalone TVs.

Hotstream mobile enables hoteliers to communicate directly with guests before, during and after their stay. Guests can now easily access hotel services, make reservations to hotel facilities, restaurants, spa or golf, view their bill, order room service, get travel information, view live TV channels, video on demand movies and much more on their preferred devices.

Selain jual MCOMS Casting, JFX Technologies juga menerima jasa instalasi dan maintenance IPTV dengan harga bersaing. Kami tidak sekedar jual MCOMS Casting, tetapi juga memberikan jaminan atas barang yang anda beli.