JFX Technologies jual Sangfor IAM S5000 dengan harga terbaik di Jakarta, Indonesia. Dapatkan harga Sangfor IAM S5000 dengan menghubungi sales@jfxtechnologies.com. Kami juga jual produk Identity and Access Management (IAM) lainnya baik dari Sangfor ataupun merk lain, klik disini untuk pilihan produk IAM lainnya. Berikut penjelasan singkat mengenai Sangfor IAM S5000, atau untuk informasi datasheet bisa download disini
Your Internet Access Control Solution
With the fast evolution of the IT industry, all applications, services and devices are being connected through the Internet with new technologies, such as BYOD, IoT (Internet of Things), Cloud and so on. This will bring many business advantages including greater convenience and productivity, however with tremendous power also comes great responsibility in handling network security. As the leading vendor of Network Management, Sangfor IAM has been listed in the SWG Gartner Magic Quadrant for 6 consecutive years.
Sangfor IAM S5000 is a superior internet access control solution, which consists of professional internet bandwidth management, application control, URL filter, traffic control, information control, illegal hotspot/proxy control, behaviour analysis, wireless network management and many more features. This solution can truly help you achieve Unified Internet Behaviour Management of all clients in the entire network.
More Than Just a Secure Web Gateway
Complaints about slow web-access? Unable to effectively manage billing internet data, time or usage? Difficulty controlling P2P traffic? Trouble with application control? Failing to ensure an overall internet access control solution? We have the answer to all of your problems! Sangfor IAM S5000 is your best solution.
Sangfor IAM is mainly used as an Internet Behaviour Management device deployed in the Internet gateway. It can support a 10 Gbps environment, provide unified wired and wireless networks. This internet access control solution can be used throughout various scenarios to secure and maximize your network.
Use Sangfor IAM S5000 for the following scenario solutions: improve work productivity, unified internet behaviour management solution for wired & wireless networks, a smart billing solution, intelligent internet bandwidth management, assure an advanced network quality with zero complaints about the speed of web-access, achieve legal compliance and much more.
Sangfor IAM has already served more than 20,000 customers in every kind of industry. For more information about our superior internet access control solution and the rest of our products, contact our friendly customer service team today.
Selain jual Sangfor IAM S5000, JFX Technologies juga menerima jasa instalasi dan maintenance IAM dengan harga bersaing. Kami tidak sekedar jual Sangfor IAM S5000, tetapi juga memberikan jaminan atas barang yang anda beli.