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JFX Technologies jual Cisco Aironet 1810 Series OfficeExtend Access Points dengan harga terbaik di Jakarta, Indonesia. Dapatkan harga Cisco Aironet 1810 Series OfficeExtend Access Points dengan menghubungi Kami juga jual produk access point lainnya baik dari Cisco ataupun merk lain, klik disini untuk pilihan produk access point lainnya. Berikut penjelasan singkat mengenai Cisco Aironet 1810 Series OfficeExtend Access Points, atau untuk informasi datasheet bisa download disini

Perfect for teleworker or micro-branch deployments, this easy-to-install series of OfficeExtend access points provides secure wired and wireless access for organizations with employees who work from home.

The Cisco® Aironet® 1810 Series OfficeExtend Access Points offer a highly secure enterprise wireless and wired connection to the home, micro-branch, or other types of remote sites. The 1810 Series extends the corporate network to teleworkers, mobile workers and even micro-sites. The access points connect to the home or site broadband Internet access and establish a highly secure tunnel to the corporate network. This tunnel allows remote employees access to data, voice, video and cloud services for a mobility experience consistent with that at the corporate office. The 1810 Series supports highly secure access to corporate data and personal connectivity for teleworkers’ home devices, with segmented home traffic.

Features and Benefits
The Cisco Aironet 1810 Series helps improve workforce productivity, business resiliency and work schedule flexibility while reducing travel costs and carbon emissions. It is targeted toward commercial, enterprise and service provider networks across all industries. The 1810 Series is appropriate for employees who need reliable and consistent access to networked business services at home, as well as for micro-branches where two or three remote workers require the same wired and wireless connectivity as at the corporate site.

The 1810 Series delivers industry-leading performance for highly secure and reliable wired or wireless connections and provides a robust mobility experience.

Selain jual Cisco Aironet 1810 Series OfficeExtend Access Points , JFX Technologies juga menerima jasa instalasi dan maintenance Access Point dengan harga bersaing. Kami tidak sekedar jual Cisco Aironet 1810 Series OfficeExtend Access Points , tetapi juga memberikan jaminan atas barang yang anda beli.