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JFX Technologies jual Barracuda Email Security Gateway 900 dengan harga terbaik di Jakarta, Indonesia. Dapatkan harga Barracuda Email Security Gateway 900 dengan menghubungi Kami juga jual produk Secure Email Gateway lainnya baik dari Barracuda ataupun merk lain, klik disini untuk pilihan produk Secure Email Gateway lainnya. Berikut penjelasan singkat mengenai Barracuda Email Security Gateway 900, atau untuk informasi datasheet bisa download disini

Barracuda Email Security Gateway’s Predictive Sender Profiling

As spam continues to evolve, Jual Barracuda Email Security Gateway 900 remains committed to providing the highest level of protection against the latest spam trends. When image spam first began its assault on email users in early 2006, Barracuda Email Security Gateway 900 was one of the first anti-spam vendors to provide Optical Character Recognition (OCR) capabilities to defend against this threat. Throughout the growth of image spam volume, Barracuda Email Security Gateway 900’s OCR techniques enabled it to maintain its target 95 percent effectiveness rating in the fight against spam with almost no false positives. Today, while the volume of image spam has remained stable, spammers have significantly increased the usage of yet another technique – sender identity obfuscation.

Introducing Predictive Sender Profiling

Consider this example: In the credit card industry, consumers’ reputations are profiled through credit scores, which essentially reflect the consumers’ purchasing history. If consumers are consistent in their buying habits, their reputations are easy to follow and their future buying activities are likely predictable. However, what if a consumer with historically consistent buying habits purchases a television at a popular retail store and then shortly after leaving the store, returns and purchases the same television within 30 minutes of the original purchase? Better yet, what if the consumer purchases 15 more televisions within the first 30 minutes of the original purchase? The credit card company would flag this as anomalous behavior and would likely contact the consumer to verify the subsequent purchases to make sure that the consumer’s credit card has not been stolen. Predictive Sender Profiling behaves in a similar fashion to the credit card company in this example.

When legitimate email senders abide by the rules of sending email, they build trusted reputations and their email behavior becomes easy to predict. If a typically good, or reputable, email sender sent a slew of email all at once, reputation databases would not flag the sender as a potential spammer because their past behavior was so pristine. Predictive Sender Profiling, however, profiles behavior independent of the sender’s past activity and would detect this uncharacteristic behavior and act accordingly by blocking unwanted email.

Selain jual Jual Barracuda Email Security Gateway 900, JFX Technologies juga menerima jasa instalasi dan maintenance Secure Email Gateway dengan harga bersaing. Kami tidak sekedar jual Jual Barracuda Email Security Gateway 900, tetapi juga memberikan jaminan atas barang yang anda beli.